I forgot about my latest project, DIGITAL PHOTO FRAME.
As the name says, it converts your device into a complete Digital Photo Frame, so you can display your photos in a very easy and convenient way.
Currently it is only available for WebOS devices, with Android and iOS versions coming soon.
lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011
sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011
All our apps!
Snowland: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/snowland/id398934107?l=es& ls=1&mt=8
Snowland Free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/snowland-free/id410433706? l=es&ls=1&mt=8
Magic Coin Box: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/magic-coin-box/ id404934759?l=es&ls=1&mt=8
Magic Coin Box Free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/magic-coin-box-free/ id405496309?l=es&ls=1&mt=8
The Last Angel: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/the-last-angel/ id430290984?l=es&ls=1&mt=8
The Last Angel HD (for iPads): http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/the-last-angel-hd/ id434224570?l=es&ls=1&mt=8
Glowing Sky: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/glowing-sky/id441019734?l= es&ls=1&mt=8
Glowing Sky Free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/ app/glowing-sky-free/ id441640792?l=es&ls=1&mt=8
The Last Angel: https://market.android.com/ details?id=com.diniplay.angel
Glowing Sky: https://market.android.com/ details?id=com.diniplay. glowingsky
Glowing Sky Lite: https://market.android.com/ details?id=com.diniplay. glowingskydemo
Magic Coin Box: https://market.android.com/ details?id=com.diniplay. magicbox
HP Palm WebOS
The Last Angel: http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. dinigames.angel
The Last Angel HD (for TouchPads): http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. dinigames.angelhd
Glowing Sky: http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. diniplay.glowingsky
Glowing Sky Free: http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. diniplay.glowingskyfree
Glowing Sky (Pixi): http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. diniplay.glowingskypixi
Glowing Sky Free (Pixi): http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. diniplay.glowingskyfreepixi
Magic Coin Box: http://developer.palm.com/ appredirect/?packageid=com. diniplay.magicbox
Snowland: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
Snowland Free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
Magic Coin Box: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
Magic Coin Box Free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
The Last Angel: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
The Last Angel HD (for iPads): http://itunes.apple.com/us/
Glowing Sky: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
Glowing Sky Free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/
The Last Angel: https://market.android.com/
Glowing Sky: https://market.android.com/
Glowing Sky Lite: https://market.android.com/
Magic Coin Box: https://market.android.com/
HP Palm WebOS
The Last Angel: http://developer.palm.com/
The Last Angel HD (for TouchPads): http://developer.palm.com/
Glowing Sky: http://developer.palm.com/
Glowing Sky Free: http://developer.palm.com/
Glowing Sky (Pixi): http://developer.palm.com/
Glowing Sky Free (Pixi): http://developer.palm.com/
Magic Coin Box: http://developer.palm.com/
sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011
GLOWING SKY FREE (demo) for Android in the market
Do you have an Android?
GLOWING SKY (demo) FREE is on Market:
Now you have no excuses.
Download, vote 5 and spread the word!
jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011
Magic Coin Box hits the Android Market
A new program has seen the Android Market: MAGIC COIN BOX.
Also it has been updated to take adventage of any screen size, resizing to fit the whole screen. On tablets you get a huge coin!
Also it has been updated to take adventage of any screen size, resizing to fit the whole screen. On tablets you get a huge coin!
miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011
HOME POKER CLOCK is going on!
A new alpha version of HOME POKER CLOCK is uploaded, and ready to be reviewed.
Notice it is still in alpha stage and only the 3 first option work.
Do you like it? Let me know!
Notice it is still in alpha stage and only the 3 first option work.
Do you like it? Let me know!
domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011
Poker Clock, our new app
We have under development a new program, HOME POKER CLOCK (name may vary).
Download alpha for windows
We are poker fans, and tested many poker clock programs on the appstore, but none fills. One can not use our chipset, other does not generate good levels or is a mess to use. Even some are ugly! :)
So we are developing our own version of a Poker Clock (the definitive and ultimate one!) wich will fits all of us.
It can be used (intutivily and easily) for any size poker tournament, from your 5 friends on the kitchen table to 1000s players.
Also it will track a score/league system with ease, so you will know who's the best at the end of the year.
Just check our very first alpha version and let us know about it.
Download alpha for windows
We are poker fans, and tested many poker clock programs on the appstore, but none fills. One can not use our chipset, other does not generate good levels or is a mess to use. Even some are ugly! :)
So we are developing our own version of a Poker Clock (the definitive and ultimate one!) wich will fits all of us.
It can be used (intutivily and easily) for any size poker tournament, from your 5 friends on the kitchen table to 1000s players.
Also it will track a score/league system with ease, so you will know who's the best at the end of the year.
Just check our very first alpha version and let us know about it.
viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011
The Last Angel for Android!
THE LAST ANGEL is available from now on Android Market!
GLOWING SKY for Android, really!
After a few problems with the android manifiest and android Market, my app GLOWING SKY should be listed for (most) devices out there. Just check it and let me know!
Can you try to find it also on AppsLib market?
Can you try to find it also on AppsLib market?
lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011
GLOWING SKY for Android!
Our very first app for Android devices, has just been published in Google's Android Market:
You can also find it on "AppsLib" market (just search for "diniplay").
You can also find it on "AppsLib" market (just search for "diniplay").
miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011
Just remember: download it (it's free!) and click on the Add. Or upgrade to the full version and/or donate some extra money to the author. Anything is wellcomed!
viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011
Updates and free!
New updates and a free version of GLOWING SKY has been sent to Apple (for iOS) and HP for WebOS.
The new updates include
-Music and sound on/off
-A donation button!
-Some fixes for rate-me button and other minor fixes.
iOS version has also InApp purchases to upgrade to full version or donations. It is the very first app done in GLBasic with InApp purchases for iOS. Hope it works! The wrapper was a bit... temperamental, when tested.
Meanwhile, in my brain there is a new project, called "Budget-o-matic" ("presupuesteitor" para los apañoles).
The new updates include
-Music and sound on/off
-A donation button!
-Some fixes for rate-me button and other minor fixes.
iOS version has also InApp purchases to upgrade to full version or donations. It is the very first app done in GLBasic with InApp purchases for iOS. Hope it works! The wrapper was a bit... temperamental, when tested.
Meanwhile, in my brain there is a new project, called "Budget-o-matic" ("presupuesteitor" para los apañoles).
martes, 7 de junio de 2011
We have a new app in Apple's AppStore and in Palm Pre store: GLOWING SKY.
Ya tenemos una nueva app en la tienda de Apple y de Palm Pre: GLOWING SKY.
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/glowing-sky/id441019734?mt=8&ls=1#
Palm Pre: http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.diniplay.glowingsky
Oh my God, it is full of stars!
But our sky is not only full of stars, but also of butterflies, hearts, snowflakes,... and all of them, glowing with colors!
Expand your art experience with this new kind of painting tool, while you get some fun and relax yourself!
Also, your kids will be very entertained while playing with a sky full of dreams.
Peaceful music will accompany during game-play, and some beautiful sparkly sound when you spread fairy magic on your screen!
Glowing Sky has a ton of settings to play with, and a unique feature: automatic rain. Fill the screen with your desired figure or color, and watch this relaxing experience.
Another unique feature will make this even more enjoyable: gravity movement. Tilt your device to move the raining figures.
Glowing Sky features:
-Draw with glowing pencils.
-Blinking animated figures.
-Relax and fun to play with.
-Unlimited particles on screen.
-Ton of settings to play with.
-Rain (auto) particle system.
-Gravitational rain.
-Different settings for rain particles and finger particles.
-Peaceful harpsichord music
-Accompanying sparkle sounds.
-Universal: iPhone, retina and iPad screen displays.
-Multitasking on iOS4.
If you like Glowing Sky, please, rate it on the AppStore.
¡Dios mío, está lleno de estrellas!
Pero nuestro cielo no sólo está lleno de estrellas, si no de mariposas, corazones, copos de nieve,... y todos ellos, ¡resplandeciendo con colores!
Expande tus experiencias artísticas con un tipo nuevo de herramienta de dibujo, mientras te diviertes y relajas.
Además, tus niños estarán entretenidos mientras juegan con un cielo lleno de sueños.
Una música muy tranquila te acompañará durante el juego, y unos bonitos sonidos chispeantes simularán magia de hadas cuando toques la pantalla.
Glowing Sky (Cielo Resplandeciente) tiene muchas opciones con las que jugar, y una característica única: lluvia automática. Llena la pantalla con la figura y color que quieras, y admira esta relajante experiencia.
Otra característica única que hará esta experiencia aún más entretenida: movimiento gravitatorio. Gira el móvil para mover las figuras que caen.
Características de Glowing Sky:
-Dibuja con pinceles brillantes.
-Figuras animadas que resplandecen.
-Una experiencia relajante y divertida.
-Partículas ilimitadas en la pantalla.
-Muchos ajustes para cambiar.
-Sistema de partículas automático (lluvia).
-Lluvia gravitacional.
-Ajustes indepedientes para las partículas de lluvia y de dedo.
-Música de clavicordio tranquila.
-Sonido chispeante de acompañamiento.
-Universal: resolución real nativa de iPhone, Retina e iPad.
-Multitarea en iOS4.
Si te gusta Glowing Sky, por favor, vótalo en la AppStore.
Ya tenemos una nueva app en la tienda de Apple y de Palm Pre: GLOWING SKY.
Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/glowing-sky/id441019734?mt=8&ls=1#
Palm Pre: http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.diniplay.glowingsky
Oh my God, it is full of stars!
But our sky is not only full of stars, but also of butterflies, hearts, snowflakes,... and all of them, glowing with colors!
Expand your art experience with this new kind of painting tool, while you get some fun and relax yourself!
Also, your kids will be very entertained while playing with a sky full of dreams.
Peaceful music will accompany during game-play, and some beautiful sparkly sound when you spread fairy magic on your screen!
Glowing Sky has a ton of settings to play with, and a unique feature: automatic rain. Fill the screen with your desired figure or color, and watch this relaxing experience.
Another unique feature will make this even more enjoyable: gravity movement. Tilt your device to move the raining figures.
Glowing Sky features:
-Draw with glowing pencils.
-Blinking animated figures.
-Relax and fun to play with.
-Unlimited particles on screen.
-Ton of settings to play with.
-Rain (auto) particle system.
-Gravitational rain.
-Different settings for rain particles and finger particles.
-Peaceful harpsichord music
-Accompanying sparkle sounds.
-Universal: iPhone, retina and iPad screen displays.
-Multitasking on iOS4.
If you like Glowing Sky, please, rate it on the AppStore.
¡Dios mío, está lleno de estrellas!
Pero nuestro cielo no sólo está lleno de estrellas, si no de mariposas, corazones, copos de nieve,... y todos ellos, ¡resplandeciendo con colores!
Expande tus experiencias artísticas con un tipo nuevo de herramienta de dibujo, mientras te diviertes y relajas.
Además, tus niños estarán entretenidos mientras juegan con un cielo lleno de sueños.
Una música muy tranquila te acompañará durante el juego, y unos bonitos sonidos chispeantes simularán magia de hadas cuando toques la pantalla.
Glowing Sky (Cielo Resplandeciente) tiene muchas opciones con las que jugar, y una característica única: lluvia automática. Llena la pantalla con la figura y color que quieras, y admira esta relajante experiencia.
Otra característica única que hará esta experiencia aún más entretenida: movimiento gravitatorio. Gira el móvil para mover las figuras que caen.
Características de Glowing Sky:
-Dibuja con pinceles brillantes.
-Figuras animadas que resplandecen.
-Una experiencia relajante y divertida.
-Partículas ilimitadas en la pantalla.
-Muchos ajustes para cambiar.
-Sistema de partículas automático (lluvia).
-Lluvia gravitacional.
-Ajustes indepedientes para las partículas de lluvia y de dedo.
-Música de clavicordio tranquila.
-Sonido chispeante de acompañamiento.
-Universal: resolución real nativa de iPhone, Retina e iPad.
-Multitarea en iOS4.
Si te gusta Glowing Sky, por favor, vótalo en la AppStore.
viernes, 15 de abril de 2011
The Last Angel in Apple iOS App Store
Our very first comic published under iQuiosk technology is now online in the Apple iOS App Store.
If you have any kind of comic book or fanzine, or know someone interested, sent us an email for a iQuiosk license. It is free!
If you have any kind of comic book or fanzine, or know someone interested, sent us an email for a iQuiosk license. It is free!
martes, 12 de abril de 2011
The Last Angel in Palm App Catalog
Our very first comic published under iQuiosk technology is now online in the HP Palm App Catalog store.
"The last angel" is available in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, French, Norwegian and Hungarian.
The Last Angel
The very first graphic novel, edited exclusively in digital format, with color high resolution images.
Enjoy a visual quality never seen before on your iPhone/iPad.
"The last angel" tells the story of a war between beings of hell and heaven.
In this war, the ones without authority to contradict the 10 commandments, as 'you shall not kill', are victims and easy preys of this demons, thirsty of revenge.
Enjoy this first chapter, "The Beginning", where you will know how the tragic story of Kaden begun, the protagonist of "The last angel".
"The last angel" is the Opera Prima of Alberto Espejo, 26, Seville, and it has a very elaborated script, where he mixes reality and fantasy, mythological beings and angels, in a universe perfectly suited.
The new chapters will be on the application automatically whenever they are available.
Also this is the first comic published under iQuiosk technology, developed by Diniplay.com, that lets the authors to publish easily, with their material protected, maintaining the global property of his job. Even the use of iQuiosk is free.
Note: this app needs an additional online download of 55mb once installed. Ask your mobile company or use a WiFi conection.
"The last angel" is available in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, French, Norwegian and Hungarian. (Norwegian under translation still, autoupdate when finished)
"The last angel" is available in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, French, Norwegian and Hungarian.
The Last Angel
The very first graphic novel, edited exclusively in digital format, with color high resolution images.
Enjoy a visual quality never seen before on your iPhone/iPad.
"The last angel" tells the story of a war between beings of hell and heaven.
In this war, the ones without authority to contradict the 10 commandments, as 'you shall not kill', are victims and easy preys of this demons, thirsty of revenge.
Enjoy this first chapter, "The Beginning", where you will know how the tragic story of Kaden begun, the protagonist of "The last angel".
"The last angel" is the Opera Prima of Alberto Espejo, 26, Seville, and it has a very elaborated script, where he mixes reality and fantasy, mythological beings and angels, in a universe perfectly suited.
The new chapters will be on the application automatically whenever they are available.
Also this is the first comic published under iQuiosk technology, developed by Diniplay.com, that lets the authors to publish easily, with their material protected, maintaining the global property of his job. Even the use of iQuiosk is free.
Note: this app needs an additional online download of 55mb once installed. Ask your mobile company or use a WiFi conection.
"The last angel" is available in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Brazilian, French, Norwegian and Hungarian. (Norwegian under translation still, autoupdate when finished)
iQuiosk is finished
We have just finished our latest product, iQUIOSK.
iQUIOSK is a comic publisher tool for iOS, Palm, Android, Mac, Win and Linux.
If you have anything to publish (comics, fanzines,...) or you are an editorial, please, contact us and we will sent you any relevant information.
We have many licenses for the use of iQUIOSK, and the best part is that iQUIOSK licensing can be FREE.
Visit our web page http://www.diniplay.com/iquiosk.html for more information about iQuiosk.
iQUIOSK is a comic publisher tool for iOS, Palm, Android, Mac, Win and Linux.
If you have anything to publish (comics, fanzines,...) or you are an editorial, please, contact us and we will sent you any relevant information.
We have many licenses for the use of iQUIOSK, and the best part is that iQUIOSK licensing can be FREE.
Visit our web page http://www.diniplay.com/iquiosk.html for more information about iQuiosk.
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011
We have been very busy all the march month with a new app, iQUIOSK.
More news, soon...
More news, soon...
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
Free KRAKOUT demo
If you want to download a beta demo of KRAKOUT RELOADED, for Windows, MacOS, Linux or iPhone (universal) then just drop me a message!
viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
One more step: the bonus ship is completed. Now it is time for the freezing-bees!!!!
domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
I have scaled the graphics for all the screen sizes, and created the very first universal app for iThings: Standar resolution, retina and ipad, and ¡it looks great!
Resolutions supported are 320x240, 480x320, 640x480, 960x640 and 1024x768
He reescalado los gráficos para todos los tamaños y creado mi primera aplicación universal para las iCosas: resolución estandar, retina e iPad.
Resolutions supported are 320x240, 480x320, 640x480, 960x640 and 1024x768
He reescalado los gráficos para todos los tamaños y creado mi primera aplicación universal para las iCosas: resolución estandar, retina e iPad.
jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
I have a new beta 0.11 online for the betatesters. It now looks great with the daemon head and the frame.
Next step: the astronaut!
Next step: the astronaut!
lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011
jueves, 27 de enero de 2011
Beta Testers needed
The first part of the game is finished. Bonus are finished, and next step is add the bad guys.
I need betatesters to help me debug/finetune the current version. The debug will be done on the Windows version, so no iphone is needed.
If you are interested in join/help, please, contact me at info ARROBA diniplay PUNTO com (you know...)
I need betatesters to help me debug/finetune the current version. The debug will be done on the Windows version, so no iphone is needed.
If you are interested in join/help, please, contact me at info ARROBA diniplay PUNTO com (you know...)
miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
Sorry about the delay, I have been sick.
Missile is working. next step: back wall.
Missile is working. next step: back wall.
miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
A improved and SHORTER version of the promo video is online. Please, use this shorter vrsion if you feel that the other was just... long.
domingo, 16 de enero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
Forgot to update... Now I have working the DOUBLE SIZE BAT, the TWO BATS and the GLUE.
The new drawing logic routine is working, easiñy expandable.
Now I have to redone the "turbo" button, as currently it does not work... er... fine.
Oh, the hiscore now works and it is saved!
Anyone wants a demo?
The new drawing logic routine is working, easiñy expandable.
Now I have to redone the "turbo" button, as currently it does not work... er... fine.
Oh, the hiscore now works and it is saved!
Anyone wants a demo?
jueves, 13 de enero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
A bug that was driving me crazy that causes to crash Krakout "seems" to be fixed.
The bug was in the Ball2Brick collision routine. At last!
Thanks Slydog for the help with the in-deep debug routine.
Anyway, I am remaking the drawing routine logic from scratch. The new one is more efficient and cleaner, so I have been able to make a few visual adjustments.
The bug was in the Ball2Brick collision routine. At last!
Thanks Slydog for the help with the in-deep debug routine.
Anyway, I am remaking the drawing routine logic from scratch. The new one is more efficient and cleaner, so I have been able to make a few visual adjustments.
lunes, 10 de enero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
I have just finish the BIGGER bat thing.
Next: DOUBLE bat thing.
Next: DOUBLE bat thing.
sábado, 8 de enero de 2011
KRAKOUT RELOADED in development
It is New Year, it is time for the Wise Men, it is time, again, for gifts!
If Santa give us a demo, the Wise Men bring us a new gift: a promo video of the upcoming game KRAKOUT RELOADED.
Please, feel free to share it with your friends.
Also, you can join our Facebook group "Diniplay".
Es Año Nuevo, es el día de los 3 Reyes Magos, es la hora de nuevos regalos!
Si Papá Noel nos trajo una demo, los 3 Reyes Magos nos traen un nuevo regalo, un video promoción del próximo juego KRAKOUT RELOADED.
Por favor, no dudes en compartirlo con tus amigos!
También puedes unirte a nuestro grupo de Facebook "Diniplay"
------------------------vvvv WATCH IT IN HD! * MIRALO EN HD! vvvv------------------
If Santa give us a demo, the Wise Men bring us a new gift: a promo video of the upcoming game KRAKOUT RELOADED.
Please, feel free to share it with your friends.
Also, you can join our Facebook group "Diniplay".
Es Año Nuevo, es el día de los 3 Reyes Magos, es la hora de nuevos regalos!
Si Papá Noel nos trajo una demo, los 3 Reyes Magos nos traen un nuevo regalo, un video promoción del próximo juego KRAKOUT RELOADED.
Por favor, no dudes en compartirlo con tus amigos!
También puedes unirte a nuestro grupo de Facebook "Diniplay"
------------------------vvvv WATCH IT IN HD! * MIRALO EN HD! vvvv------------------
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