sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

GLOWING SKY FREE (demo) for Android in the market

Do you have an Android?

GLOWING SKY (demo) FREE is on Market:


Now you have no excuses.

Download, vote 5 and spread the word!

jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Magic Coin Box hits the Android Market

A new program has seen the Android Market: MAGIC COIN BOX.

Also it has been updated to take adventage of any screen size, resizing to fit the whole screen. On tablets you get a huge coin! 


miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

HOME POKER CLOCK is going on!

A new alpha version of HOME POKER CLOCK is uploaded, and ready to be reviewed.

Notice it is still in alpha stage and only the 3 first option work.

Do you like it? Let me know!


domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Poker Clock, our new app

We have under development a new program, HOME POKER CLOCK (name may vary).

Download alpha for windows

We are poker fans, and tested many poker clock programs on the appstore, but none fills. One can not use our chipset, other does not generate good levels or is a mess to use. Even some are ugly! :)

So we are developing our own version of a Poker Clock (the definitive and ultimate one!) wich will fits all of us.

It can be used (intutivily and easily) for any size poker tournament, from your 5 friends on the kitchen table to 1000s players.

Also it will track a score/league system with ease, so you will know who's the best at the end of the year.

Just check our very first alpha version and let us know about it.

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

The Last Angel for Android!

THE LAST ANGEL is available from now on Android Market!



GLOWING SKY for Android, really!

After a few problems with the android manifiest and android Market, my app GLOWING SKY should be listed for (most) devices out there. Just check it and let me know!


Can you try to find it also on AppsLib market?